Would You Buy a Used Car Without A Test Drive?
For most people today it goes without saying that they undertake a test drive prior to buying a used car. This should also apply for potential house buyers. For quality reasons, both the seller and the buyer should validate the building prior to sale.
A Pre-Purchase Building Inspection is the method of choice.
A Pre-Purchase Building Inspection will look for minor and major defects. The thing to remember here is that no house or building is perfect and there will always be one problem or another, although at first glance they appear sound and spotless. What matters here is the overall condition of the building.
The job of the inspector is to carefully check the entire building from the subfloor to the roof void. There will be hundreds of details to look into and the time it takes will depend entirely on the age and size of the house, and the defects observed. For that reason it may take the inspector two or more hours to thoroughly inspect the entire property.
We always recommend our clients invest in a thorough inspection before purchasing a property, as we know the last thing wanted is to be surprised by extra unseen expenses.
Being in the industry for years has proved to us that things are not always as they appear on the surface. Heavy mould, a damp and wet subfloor, or even poor site drainage will remain undetected unless your subfloor is thoroughly inspected, and can cause health problems and costly structural damage. Also roof rafters can look sound, but in actuality may have been hollowed out by termites, or insufficient structural support may cause a fortune to repair or replace.

Past problem with roof sagging due to insufficient structural support
Quality Building Inspection – where experience comes to you.
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